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- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Both TbScanX and the accompanying documentation are SHAREWARE. This
- simply means the program is covered by the copyrights of ESaSS, but
- can be used and distributed freely as long as the following
- regulations are observed.
- + Concerning the distribution of the TbScanX program no
- administration and/or shipping costs exceeding the amount of
- $5,- may be charged.
- + Distribution of TbScanX may only take place when both the
- program and the documentation are left unmodified and only when
- the complete program is supplied.
- + So it is not allowed to distribute the program apart from the
- documentation.
- + ESaSS accepts no responsibility in case the program
- malfunctions or does not function at all.
- + ESaSS can never be held responsible for damage, directly or
- indirectly resulting from the use of TbScanX.
- + Using TbScanX means that you agree on these regulations.
- -------------------
- TbScanX is a program that was developed to trace viruses, Trojan
- Horses and other threats to your valuable data. It is a so-called
- virus scanner.
- A virus scanner is a program that is able to search a signature
- that has been determined beforehand. Most viruses consist of a
- unique signature, so by means of checking for the appearance of
- this signature we can see whether or not a program has been
- infected.
- By searching all your program files for the signatures of all
- viruses already identified you can easily find whether your system
- has been infected and, if that is the case, with which virus.
- By now already many virus scanners have been developed. The problem
- with all these scanners is that you have to execute them. Suppose
- you have the virusscanner automatically invoked in your
- autoexec.bat file. If no viruses are found, your system is supposed
- to be uninfected. But, to be sure that no virus can infect your
- system, you have to run the scanner every time before you copy a
- file to your harddisk, after downloading a file from your BBS, or
- after unarchiving an archive such as a ZIP file. Be honest, do YOU
- actually invoke your scanner every time?
- TbScanX has a unique feature to overcome this drawback, it will
- remain resident in memory, and AUTOMATICALLY scan all files you
- execute, copy, download, modify, or unarchive!
- Probably you think that a resident virus scanner consumes much
- memory, makes your system slow, and is a source of many problems.
- But, if you already know our free-ware scanner TBSCAN, you know
- that this scanner can scan your files ten times faster compared
- with other scanners. Also TbScanX achieves this lightning fast
- speed. Actually, TbScanX is a lot faster, since it will not access
- your disk to scan the files, because all files to be created or
- modified reside already in memory!
- Besides this, TbScanX consumes only 8 Kb of memory, including the
- signatures to scan for! If there is expanded memory available,
- TbScanX uses even less than 1Kb of memory!
- TbScanX carries the same feature of its transient brother TBSCAN:
- + TbScanX is fully programmable by means of a data file.
- Most of the time viruses spread quickly. After a new virus has
- been found there is often no time to adapt your virus checker
- in order to make it capable of recognizing this new virus. That
- is why TbScanX uses a data file in which the signatures of the
- viruses occur. This file can quickly be adapted, possibly by
- yourself, for example when you are informed of a new virus
- through the media. TbScanX supports among other things the
- format which is used in the file "virscan.dat". This file is
- regularly adapted and can be obtained at a lot of data banks.
- + TbScanX supports wildcards in the signature.
- A lot of viruses encrypt themselves after each infection, so
- the signatures always look different. There is one part of the
- virus however that cannot be modified: the routine that has to
- "unpack" the modified part of the virus.
- But it is a misunderstanding that this part of the virus always
- should look the same. The fact is there are viruses that pepper
- their unpack-routine with useless instructions which have no
- effect and which are continuously replaced by other nonsensical
- instructions. Although the unpack-routine always functions the
- same, it looks different every time because of these changing
- fake instructions!
- By inserting wildcards on places where the fake instructions
- occur in the signatures of the data file, such a virus can
- still be traced and identified. This is the case because any
- character may be used on the place of a wildcard.
- It is also possible to skip a variable amount of garbage bytes
- in the signature.
- + TbScanX supports normal text as the signature.
- Most signatures are inserted in ASCII-HEX. But when desired you
- can also specify a normal text as the signature. In this case
- you put the text between double quotation marks.
- + TbScanX offers other software an universal hook to scan data
- for viruses. If you are a programmer, you can instruct your
- programs to scan information read from disk for viruses before
- using the data.
- --------------------
- TbScanX is easy to use. Simply type TBSCANX. The program can also
- be invoked from within your config.sys file by inserting the line
- "device=TBSCANX.COM". The advantage of the last method is that
- TbScanX will get a better position in the memory and is able to
- protect the system before other programs are executed. TbScanX uses
- also less memory in device driver mode. (NOTE: If you invoke
- TbScanX from within your config.sys you have to specify the
- extension .COM)
- If you use MS-Windows you should load TbScanX BEFORE starting
- Windows. If you do that there is only one copy of TbScanX in
- memory, but every DOS-window will nevertheless have a fully
- functional TbScanX in it. TbScanX detects if Windows is starting
- up, and will switch itself in multitasking mode if neccesary.
- Options available:
- -? = Display help sreen.
- -d = Disable TbScanX.
- -e = Enable TbScanX.
- -r = Remove TbScanX from memory.
- -f <filename> = Use the specified file as signature file.
- -o = Optimize signatures.
- -n = no scan at execute.
- -me = Use Expanded memory.
- -mu = Use Upper memory.
- -mh = Use Hercules-half memory.
- -mf = Use Hercules-full memory.
- -mc = Use CGA/EGA/VGA memory.
- -u = Unauthorized signatures allowed.
- -D If you specify this option TbScanX will be disabled, but it
- will remain in memory.
- -E If you use this option TbScanX will be activated again after
- you disabled it with the -D option.
- -F This option tells TbScanX which file should be used as
- signature file. Use this option if you use TbScanX as a device
- driver, or if the signature file can not be found in the
- current or home directory.
- -O If you specify this option TbScanX will optimize the signatures
- by merging signatures that are more than 75% equal. Look at the
- next two signatures:
- Signature 1: CD2145A689BF452F1E77CBCD21
- Signature 2: CD2111A689BF4A3F1E77CBCD21
- TbScanX will replace the differences between the two signatures
- by wildcards and removes the second signature. The resulting
- signature of the example above is:
- Signature 3: CD21??A689BF????1E77CBCD21
- It is obvious that this option can save some memory and
- increases the scanning speed somewhat. This option has never
- the result that some viruses go by undetected, but instead, the
- chance for false alarms increases somewhat.
- -N TbScanX normally scans files also just before they are executed.
- If you don't like that you can use this option to disable this
- feature. This option can only be used at the initial invokation
- of TbScanX.
- -M TbScanX offsers you some possibilities to minimize the usage of
- conventional memory. The -M option requires a parameter that
- tells TbScanX which memory should be used. All parameters
- except "U" reduce the usage of conventional memory to less than
- one Kilobyte. The rest will be stored in the specified memory.
- The "U" parameter can even reduce the usage of conventional
- memeory to zero bytes! It is also the only parameter that can
- be used in combination with other memory parameters.
- X If you specify this parameter TbScanX will use expAnded
- memory to store the signatures and a part of its
- program code. Expanded memory is allocated in 16Kb
- blocks, so the minimum amount of expanded memory you
- loose is 16Kb. However, conventional memory is more
- valuable to your programs than expanded memory, so
- using this option is recommended.
- H If you specify this parameter TbScanX will use some
- part of the Hercules videomemory to store the
- signatures. As long as the videocard remains in the
- text mode it uses only a little part of its
- videomemory. The rest can be used by... TbScanX.
- Videomemory is very slow, so also TbScanX will slowdown
- somewhat. If you execute a program that switches the
- card into the graphics mode TbScanX will disable
- itself completely. You can re-activate TbScanX by
- running it again. It will automatically remove the old
- resident part of TbScanX that might be left in memory.
- F This parameter does the same as the H parameter, but
- it will switch the Hercules card in the so called full
- mode. TbScanX then uses videomemory that will not be
- used by even most of the graphics software. You can run
- a graphics program while TbScanX remains active at the
- same time! But watch out! If you have two videocards in
- your machine at the same time, DO NOT USE this option!
- C This parameter does the same as the H parameter, but
- it will now use CGA/EGA/VGA videomemory.
- U This parameter can be used to load TbScanX into upper
- memory. Upper memory is available on many 80386 based
- machines which run memory managers like QEMM. TbScanX
- will load itself in upper memory, do don't use
- special highload programs. If you use this parameter in
- combination with other parameters it will load the
- remaining part of TbScanX in conventional memory to
- upper memory. So TbScanX can use Expanded memory and
- high memory at the same time. The result is that also
- the amount of upper memory required is minimized.
- -U TbScanX checks the signature file for modifications. If you
- change the contents of that file TbScanX will issue a warning.
- If you don't want the warning to be displayed, use the -U
- option.
- -R This option can be used to remove the resident part of TbScanX
- from your memory. All memory used by TbScanX will be freed.
- Unfortunately, the removing of a TSR is not always possible.
- TbScanX checks whether it is safe to remove the resident part
- from memory, if it is not safe it just disables TbScanX. A TSR
- can not be removed if some other TSR is started after TbScanX.
- If this is the case TbScanX will completely disable itself. If
- the character device "SCANX" exists it will be renamed to
- "$CANX". If you invoke TbScanX again at some later time the
- device will be renamed and re-used automatically.
- TbScanX looks for the data file in the way mentioned hereunder:
- 1) It uses the file specified with the -f option.
- 2) It searches in the active directory for a file with the
- name TBSCAN.DAT.
- 3) It searches for TBSCAN.DAT in the same directory as the
- program file TBSCAN.COM itself is located.
- 4) It searches in the active directory for a file with the
- Example:
- c:\utils\tbscanx -f c:\tb\tbscan.dat -me
- or:
- device=c:\utils\tbscanx.com -f c:\tb\tbscan.dat -me -o
- Whenever a program tries to write to an executable file (files with
- the extensions .COM and .EXE), you will shortly see the text
- "*Scanning*" in the upper left corner of your screen. As long as
- TbScanX is scanning this text will appear. Since TbScanX takes not
- much time to scan the file, the message will only appear shortly.
- When TbScanX has detected a virus, it will display the the message
- WARNING, <filename> is infected with <virus name>!
- Abort? (Y/n)
- Press "N" to continue, press any other key to abort.
- To display the name of the virus, TbScanX needs the signature file
- again. It will automatically use the signature file that was used
- when you invoked the program. If the signature file is missing
- (because you deleted it, or because you removed the floppy with
- it), or no file handles are left, TbScanX will still detect
- viruses, but it is no longer able to display the name of the virus.
- It will display [Name unknown] instead.
- When TbScanX has been started from within the config.sys file (as a
- device driver) it has added a character device with the name
- "SCANX". When you sent data to this device the data will be scanned
- for signatures. Try this:
- copy testvir.com scanx /b
- No file will be created with the name "scanx" but the input (the
- contents of the file "testvir.com") will be scanned for viruses.
- This way you can easy inspect any file (also the non-executables)
- for the existence of virus signatures without the need to invoke a
- special program. If the device "scanx" detects a signature in the
- input it will simulate a DOS "write protect error".
- Note that you have to specify the "/b" option. Otherwise DOS will
- sent the characters to the device one by one. This consumes a lot
- of time and of course, no signatures will be found in one byte
- sequences!
- -----------
- The unregistered version of TbScanX will prompt you to press a key
- while starting up, except when you have a Thunderbyte add-on card
- installed. To register TbScanX, see the register.doc file.
- Only the registered version of TbScanX is able to make use of
- expanded memory without random restrictions.
- Once registered, you can use all future versions of TbScanX for
- free!
- -----------------------
- The data file (called TBSCAN.DAT or VIRSCAN.DAT) can be read and/or
- modified with every ASCII editor.
- All lines beginning with ";" are comment lines. TbScanX ignores
- these lines completely. When the ";" character is followed by a
- percent-sign the remaining part of the line will be displayed on
- the screen. A maximum of 15 lines can be printed on the screen.
- Nice for "HOT NEWS"...
- In the first line the name of a virus is expected. The second line
- contains one or more of the next words:
- These words may be separated by spaces, tabs or commas.
- TbScanX will only scan for viruses with the keywords COM or EXE.
- The other keywords will be ignored, and are only used by the
- non-resident version: TBSCAN. Also note that TbScanX will not
- distinguish between COM and EXE files. All executable files will be
- scanned for both EXE and COM viruses. This saves some memory.
- BOOT means that the virus is a bootsector virus. SYS, EXE and COM
- indicate the virus can occur in files with these extensions. Also
- overlay files (with the extension OV?) will be searched for EXE
- viruses. HIGH shows that the virus can occur in the memory of your
- PC, namely in the memory located above the TBSCAN program itself.
- LOW means that the virus can occur in the memory of your PC, namely
- in the memory located under the TBSCAN program itself.
- In the third line the signature is expected in ASCII-HEX. Every
- virus character is described by means of two characters. Instead
- of two HEX characters, two question marks (the wild- card) may also
- occur. The latter means that every byte on that position matches
- the signature. Below you will find an example of a signature:
- A5E623CB??CD21??83FF3E
- You can also use the asterisk followed by an ASCII-HEX character to
- skip a variable amount of bytes in the signature. The ASCII-HEX
- character specifies the amount of bytes that should be skipped. The
- signature could be:
- A5E623CB*3CD2155??83FF3E
- The next sequence of bytes will be recognised as a virus:
- A5E623CB142434CD21554583FF3E
- Instead of a signature in ASCII-HEX you can also specify a normal
- text. This should be put between double quotation marks. A correct
- signature is for example:
- "I have got you!"
- This series of three lines should be repeated for every virus.
- Between all lines comment lines may occur.
- -----------
- + 128 Kb of free memory is needed to start the program.
- (5 Kb of memory once installed in memory)
- + DOS version 3.0 or later is needed.
- + The size of the data file has a maximum of 64 Kb.
- + The name of a virus may consist of maximally 30 characters.
- + The ASCII-HEX signature can consist of maximally 80 characters.
- + Up to 500 different signatures may be specified.
- + All filenames have a maximum length of 48 characters.
- -------------
- Errormessages that can be displayed:
- + Not enough memory
- There is not enough free memory.
- + Error in data line at line <number>.
- There is an error in the specified line of the data file.
- + Limit exceeded.
- The data file was too long or too many virus signatures
- occur in it.
- + Data file not found.
- TbScanX has not been able to locate the data file.
- + Processor type does not match.
- You are using a processor dependant version of TbScanX and
- it can not be executed by the current processor.
- ----------------
- The file TBSCANX.COM is fully functional. However, we supplied two
- special versions of TbScanX to be used with certain processor types. If
- you use the special 286 or 386 version of TbScanX you will get the best
- out of your processor concerning memory usage and speed. If you want to
- use the 286 version of TbScanX, just rename the file TBSCANX.286 to
- TBSCANX.COM. The same applies to the file TBSCANX.386.
- TBSCANX.COM: Universal version. Runs on all processor types.
- Supports Windows 386-enhanced-mode.
- Uses more memory and is somewhat slower compared to the
- other versions.
- TBSCANX.286: Runs on machines with a NEC-V20, NEC-V30, 80286, 80386
- and 80486 processor.
- Does NOT support Windows 386-enhanced-mode.
- This version uses almost 100 bytes less compared to the
- other versions and is somewhat faster.
- TBSCANX.386: Runs on machines with a 80386 or 80486 type processor.
- Supports Windows 386-enhanced-mode.
- Uses less memory compared to the standard version, but
- more than the 286 version due to the Windows support.
- It is the fastest version available.
- Application Interface
- ---------------------
- If you are a software developer you can use TbScanX to check data for
- viruses. A program can perform a self check as soon as it is invoked by
- sending its code to TbScanX. A program that processes other programs or
- parts of it (by example scramblers or executable file compressors)
- should check the data for viruses before processing it.
- High-level control
- This method is most usefull for the so-called high level programming
- languages and languages that lack the ability to generate interrupts.
- Try to open the file "SCANX". If this file exists TBSCANX has been
- invoked from within the config.sys and is active in the machine. Open
- the file in the binairy mode. Write the data to be scanned to the
- opened file. If the data contains a signature of a virus TbScanX
- simulates a DOS "write protect error". If nothing happens and the data
- is accepted no signature could be found in it.
- Low-level control
- This method is more complex, but offers more possibilities. If your
- programming language supports issuing interrups you should be able to
- use this method. This method also functions when TbScanX has not been
- started as device driver but as a normal TSR.
- The interface consist of some multiplex calls (int 2Fh). Register AH
- should contain CAh. Register AL contains the function request number.
- Supported function requests:
- AL=0 InstallationCheck
- Return value:
- AL=0 TbScanX not installed
- AL=FFh TbScanX installed
- If BX was 'TB' then it is now changed into 'tb'.
- AL=1 GetStatus
- Return value:
- AH Version number TbScanX in BCD. (CAh if version < 2.2)
- AL=0 TbScanX disabled
- AL=1 TbScanX enabled
- BX Segment swap area. Zero if not swapped.
- CX Number of signatures that will be searched.
- DX EMS_Handle. -1 if no expanded memory in use.
- AL=2 SetStatus
- BL=0 Disable TbScanX
- BL=1 Enable TbScanX
- Return value:
- AL=3 ScanBuffer
- DS:DX Address of buffer to scan.
- CX Length of buffer to scan.
- Return value:
- No Carry flag set No signatures found in buffer.
- Carry: Signature found in buffer!
- ES:BX ASCIIZ-name of virus (null terminated)
- Registers altered:
- The contents of the buffer remains unchanged.
- AL=4 ScanFile
- DS:DX Name of the program file to be scanned.
- WARNING! There should be at least 4 Kb of free memory to
- perform this function!
- Return value:
- No Carry flag set No signature found in file.
- Carry: Signature found in buffer!
- ES:BX ASCIIZ-name of virus (null terminated)
- Registers altered:
- Assembler example:
- mov ah,0CAh ;Multiplex number
- mov al,0
- int 02Fh ;Installation check
- cmp al,0FFh ;If AL=FFh TbScanX has been installed.
- jne notinstalled ;Else TbScanX has not been installed.
- lea dx,buffer ;Address of the buffer in DS:DX
- mov cx,512 ;Length of our buffer
- mov ah,0CAh ;Multiplex number
- mov al,3
- int 02Fh ;ScanBuffer
- jnc notinfected ;No carry? Then no virus found!
- call print ;Virus found. Print name ES:BX
- notinfected:
- -----------
- Virus scanners have a number of very serious disadvantages!
- + They cannot prevent infection. Virus scanners can only tell you
- whether or not your system has been infected and if so, whether
- any damage has already been done. By then only a good
- (non-infected) backup can still save you.
- + They can only recognize viruses that have already been
- identified. When a new virus has been launched it will take a
- while before someone discovers it. After that it will take some
- time before a reliable signature is dis- tilled from the virus
- and it will also take a while for you to get hold of the newest
- virscan.dat. All this means that there is a real chance that
- your system is infected at a moment virus scanners have not
- yet recognized "your" virus!
- Viruses get more and more advanced. Among other things because of
- all the attention the media is paying to the phenomenon computer
- virus. It has even become a real sport for sick minds to write
- computer viruses. Even viruses that have no stable signature
- anymore have already been discovered. Because TBSCAN allows
- wildcards in the data file it can still trace this kind of viruses
- quite often. But it will not take much time anymore before viruses
- will be created that have no special charac- teristics at all by
- which they can be identified. And then even TBSCAN cannot help you
- anymore. Even viruses that look for the DOS entry point in the same
- way as TBSCAN does, avoi- ding detection by protection programs in
- an effective way, already exist.
- To provide programs with a checksum is neither a solution: as soon
- as a file is read in, viruses can disinfect it, so every infected
- program looks like one that is not.
- There is however ONE solution for the abovementioned problems:
- *** ThunderByte! ***
- ThunderByte was developed to protect Personal Computers against
- computer viruses, Trojan Horses and other threats to valuable data.
- It is a hardware protection, consisting of an adapter card, an
- installation and configuration program and a clear manual. The
- working of ThunderByte is not based on knowledge of specific
- viruses, so ThunderByte also protects against future viruses.
- A hardware protection offers much more protection than a software
- protection. ThunderByte is already active before the operating
- system is loaded, so the computer will be totally protected right
- after the starting of the PC.
- Because of the many configuration possibilities and the intel-
- ligent algorisms, the use of ThunderByte will never become a
- burden: you will hardly notice the presence of ThunderByte in an
- environment without any viruses.
- Advantages of a hardware protection:
- + The protection uses very little (1Kb) RAM
- + The protection is already active before the first boot attempt
- of the PC, and therefore protects also against bootsector
- viruses. A software protection can not protect you against
- bootsector viruses, since it has not been executed at boot
- time.
- + De hard disks can not be accessed directly anymore, because
- ThunderByte is connected to the hard disk cable.
- + It is impossible to forget to start ThunderByte, even if the
- machine is booting with a diskette.
- ThunderByte offers you many kinds of protection:
- + Protection against loss of data.
- ThunderByte is connected between the cable of the hard disk and
- the controller. It prevents the hard disk from being accessed
- directly. The only way to access the drive from now on is by
- initiating an int 13h.
- In addition ThunderByte detects all direct disk writes which
- try to achieve a modification or damage of the data and it
- checks which program orders the execution of such operations.
- Only the operating system can preform these operations
- unmentioned.
- Standard DOS already has the possibility of protecting files
- against overwriting and modification by means of the read only
- attribute. However this protection can be very easily
- eliminated by software. But ThunderByte pre- vents this
- protection from being ruled out without this being noticed, so
- now it is nevertheless possible to protect your files
- effectively with a standard method.
- + Protection against infection.
- ThunderByte protects programs (files with the extension EXE,
- COM or SYS) against infection by judging all modifi- cations on
- their intention. The functionality is not influenced by this.
- Compiling, linking, etc., are not disturbed and neither are
- programs that save their confi- guration internally.
- Furthermore software can be protec- ted with the help of the
- aforementioned read only attribute.
- Attempts to modify the bootsector of the disk are detected, so
- the dreaded bootsector viruses are also eliminated. Keep in
- mind that the bootsector can hardly be protected by software.
- Only ThunderByte already beco- mes active before the system
- tries to boot!
- + Detection of viruses.
- In addition to the abovementioned ways of detecting the
- presence of viruses, ThunderByte can also do so because viruses
- carry out a number of special operations. For example, the
- marking of already infected programs in order to recognize
- them, is detected by ThunderByte. So are the attempts of
- viruses to reside in the memory in a suspicious way and the
- abnormal manipulations with interrupt vectors.
- + Password protection.
- ThunderByte has the possibility of installing a password.
- There are two kinds of passwords: one that is always asked for
- or one that you only have to enter when attempts are made to
- start from a diskette instead of the hard disk.
- + Safety.
- A lot of attention has been paid to the safety of ThunderByte
- The program code of ThunderByte is located in ROM and there is
- no way it can be modified.
- There is not one method of eliminating ThunderByte through
- software. All the important settings are realized with the help
- of dipswitches on the adapter card. And despite all their
- wasted intelligence, viruses will never be able to turn
- switches or to influence their read outs.
- Viruses that approach the controller of the hard disk directly
- will have a rude awakening: ThunderByte will only pass disk
- writes when the write or format command has followed the normal
- (checked) course.
- There are a lot of different versions of ThunderByte
- (functioning identically however) that are supplied on the
- basis of capriciousness. That is why knowledge of the internal
- working of only one ThunderByte system is not sufficient to
- damage or destroy its protective working.
- ThunderByte is constantly checking upon its own variables with
- a kind of control number that is different for each version.
- The positions of the memory where the variables are kept are
- also different for each version.
- + Extra possibilities.
- ThunderByte offers you some interesting bonuses, like booting
- from drive B:.
- ----------
- Are you surprised about the relative great effect and inventiveness
- of such a small virusscan program? Get Thunderbyte and keep on
- amazing yourself!
- If you appreciate TbScanX or if it has already been of help in a
- difficult situation:
- Buy Thunderbyte, or register TbScanX
- For more information you can contact:
- ESaSS B.V. Tel: 31 - 80 - 787 771
- P.o. box 1380 Fax: 31 - 80 - 777 327
- 6501 BJ Nijmegen Data: 31 - 85 - 212 395
- The Netherlands (2:280/200 @fidonet)
- TbScanX is written by Frans Veldman.
- TbScan and the signature files are available on ESaSS / Thunderbyte
- support BBS, Tel: 31-85-212395 (300/1200/2400 bps).
- If you are running a electronic mail system, you can also
- file-request TBSCAN to get the latest version of TBSCAN.COM,
- TBSCANX to get the resident automatic version of TBSCANX, and
- VIRUSSIG to obtain a copy of the latest update of the signature
- file.